Aptly named, the living room is the true showcase of your living standards. If you are someone who believes in the concept of fine living, then it is important to project this idea. And what better way to do it than to light up your living room in unique and interesting ways!
Regardless of the luxury items, you have surrounded yourself with; their true essence is only brought out when they grab the viewer’s attention. On the other hand, the living room needs a special focus on it. Both these aspects are fulfilled by the right type of lighting.
Here are 5 unique lighting styles that you can try!
Linear ceiling lights

Instead of sticking to the idea of bright lights at regular intervals, one of the best ways to light up the entire living room is by installing closely placed lights in a linear manner. Even the largest of living rooms will be well-lit if treated with linear lighting, and the lighting will seem even and won’t simply bring focus to a few spots.
Pro tip – Place the lights along the edges of the ceiling, especially if there is heavy furniture amongst the walls. This will create a wonderful ambience and provide a regal setting.
Uplights and downlights

Want a design out of the box? Then you need to stop thinking about lights in a unidirectional way. While parts of your living room can be lit with led fixtures facing downwards, they can be accented with similar fixtures shooting light upwards.
Pro tip – This idea can be used to accentuate a part of the living room, such as a winding stairwell or a fashionable colored wall, etc.
Chandelier and spotlights

A great idea is to place a heavy light at the centre of the living room and spread out small mellow lights throughout the rest of the area. A chandelier with spot LEDs in respective places does this job wonderfully.
Pro tip – Have a casual seating arrangement under the mellow lights and dining arrangement under the chandelier.
Parallel fixtures

There are so many things that one can do with LED fixtures. A common yet interesting idea is to place parallel fixtures throughout the living room area. This allows for controlling the mood of the room, and also adds an energetic aura to the setting.
Pro tip - You can turn off a few lights to get a cosy ambience and when it’s dinner time all the lights can be kept on.
Ceiling fixtures

Once again, the possibilities here are endless. A great idea is to have a LED layered false ceiling with a centrepiece of either LED fixtures or a chandelier.
Pro tip – Choose the centrepiece according to the setting of your living room, this will prove to be a definitive part of the ambience.
Any of these 5 ideas are sure to elevate the persona of your living room. Contact our experienced team to have them implemented in your living room!