Reforming an office is a process that requires a large investment of time, money, and effort. It is normal that, if you are thinking of making a change in your office, doubts arise and you are not very clear about the best way to do it.
For this reason, from, we want to give you 6 tips to reform your office successfully and make things easier for you so that you obtain a stylish, practical, cozy, and functional office as a result.
1. Transfer your office to another space temporarily:
Reforming an office is a project that will require some time and it is important that, during this period, the business activity is maintained so as not to paralyze our team. Therefore, the most appropriate thing would be to temporarily transfer the staff to another workspace so that the reform does not affect their productivity.
2. Specific spaces for employees:
This is something that is becoming more and more common in offices, and it has been shown that if employees have specific areas to disconnect or socialize in their workspace, their performance at work will be much higher.
In general, we tend to spend many hours at the end of the day in our workplace and there are many studies that guarantee the need to disconnect during the working day. You can invest some budget in the creation of these disconnection zones with the aim of providing them with extra service and favoring an increase in the quality of their work.
3. Comfortable and practical day furniture:
Working days, as a general rule, require workers to remain seated for many hours. Therefore, it is essential that all the furniture you choose for your office is of the best quality and favors your health and that of your employees. If they feel comfortable in their jobs, the company will benefit in all aspects (from the work environment to the quality of the tasks they perform, performance...).
4. Personal and characteristic style:
One of the most important things when choosing the design of your office will be to think about what you want to communicate with the image of your brand and create a design that transmits the values that characterize it. To do this, you will have to find the style that best suits the characteristics and personality of the company.
5. The importance of additional services for employees:
This is something we don't usually give too much importance to. However, it is one of the most important factors since, today, employees seek additional motivation, apart from economic ones. An employee who is comfortable at work will always be willing to give everything for the company, thus increasing his productivity and energy at work. We can achieve this, for example, by adding food and water machines, a restroom, etc.
6. An optimal distribution
The distribution of offices is another of the fundamental elements since it is closely related to the efficiency and productivity of the work that is carried out. Although at first, when setting up or decorating an office, we prioritize the aesthetic point over the functional one, the fact is that it is an error that we must avoid if we do not want to see ourselves weighed down every day by an incorrect configuration.